Personal Details
Full Name: =VG=Zer0neX
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Server Details
Server Name:
[XTB] - Explode the Base
Gamemode Explanation:
Gamemode is based on (Planting a Bomb) - (Attackers vs Defenders).
Attackers have to plant their bombs in an explosive tanks in defenders' base, /plant and /defuse commands are used within the gamemode.
Lastly, when attackers could plant atleast 3 bombs in one row without getting defused(Or if they still have 3 bombs planted), a bombing scene will occur and after a couple of seconds the round will finish(Just like RC Helicopter gta vc offline, when we have to plant construction site).
This is a unique and new gamemode to VC-MP.
More Information: Nothing more to highlight, but I have been searching for 24/7 hosting service.