Nickname: StrikeX
Previous nickname(s): DeMoN^Sly4yeR/Shadow^DeMoN/Herobrine^Killer etc.
Age: 14
Country: Pakistan
Timezone: GMT+5
Introduce yourself: Hello, I'm StrikeX. I'm from Pak, I like to play video games, espacially VC:MP - a game I have been playing since 2017.
Do you have any ban history? Yes, unfortunately I have a few ban records due to some mistakes I committed in the past.
- LW: Due to rage of constant killing, I started using game modifications. However, later I realized what I did was a mistake and apologized. I have stayed away from such stuff since.
- VCCNR: Temporary ban due to arrest evade ( the cop was chasing me and I had to quit due to some IRL emergency )
Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them):
- VD : Left due to personal problems.
- XF: Clan leader was abusing members and also the clan has hack history.
Reasons for joining RT: RT is a great clan I believe. All of its members are well behaved and reputed. There are only few clans out there who have such good members. Also, I have made a good amount of friends here with whom I also played few matches and I had enjoyed playing with them. Therefore, I'm trying to become a part of this family by improving myself. I want to be closer to my friends in RT.
IRC/Discord: strikex01
Are you interested in clan wars? Yes.
Additional info: I applied in the past but got rejected due to some reasons. I'm applying again because this is the only clan I have been rooting for, therefore, constantly improving myself to be a good member & a good player. If you have any questions, please ask here or in Discord. Thank you