The Resurgence

Application QarZi

QarZi · 7 · 7854


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Nickname: QarZi
Previous nickname(s):  Heartless, QarZ.
Age: 25
Country: Pakistan
Timezone: GMT +5
Introduce yourself:Hello dear RT members, it's me, QarZ. I have been playing VCMP since 2011/12. It's been a long journey, and it's still going strong.
Do you have any ban history? I don't think
Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them): Yes, UF, MK, DU, SS and u1.

UF : i left UF due to mis-management no co-operation and whenever i try to motivate them up they always went it down.

MK : MK experience was really bad, got kicked due to my mistake by revealing my account to another person in a league match in 2018.

SS: I really had an amazing journey there i learnt alot from the seniors there but thr clan closed.

DU : After the closing of SS clan, i chose DU instead of other big clans, i left the clan because no one was supporting my any talks, and i literally felt i am not counted as a member there, i tried my best to make DU active but i failed, i still apologize to them if they are hurt by my that action.

U1 : Closed.

Reasons for joining RT: There are a few reasons I want to join RT. First, I have close friends here, like ZeeX and Domek, with whom I’ve spent a lot of my VCMP time. I trust them, and they trust me. I would love to spend my time in RT and support the clan in every way possible.

IRC/Discord: qarzi

Are you interested in clan wars? Why not.

Additional info: Feel free to ask me questions.


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Glad to see you here QarZ!,
Your application is under discussion.

"Every expert was once a beginner. Keep pushing forward


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Nickname: QarZi
Previous nickname(s):  Heartless, QarZ.
Age: 25
Country: Pakistan
Timezone: GMT +5
Introduce yourself:Hello dear RT members, it's me, QarZ. I have been playing VCMP since 2011/12. It's been a long journey, and it's still going strong.
Do you have any ban history? I don't think
Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them): Yes, UF, MK, DU, SS and u1.

UF : i left UF due to mis-management no co-operation and whenever i try to motivate them up they always went it down.

MK : MK experience was really bad, got kicked due to my mistake by revealing my account to another person in a league match in 2018.

SS: I really had an amazing journey there i learnt alot from the seniors there but thr clan closed.

DU : After the closing of SS clan, i chose DU instead of other big clans, i left the clan because no one was supporting my any talks, and i literally felt i am not counted as a member there, i tried my best to make DU active but i failed, i still apologize to them if they are hurt by my that action.

U1 : Closed.

Reasons for joining RT: There are a few reasons I want to join RT. First, I have close friends here, like ZeeX and Domek, with whom I’ve spent a lot of my VCMP time. I trust them, and they trust me. I would love to spend my time in RT and support the clan in every way possible.

IRC/Discord: qarzi

Are you interested in clan wars? Why not.

Additional info: Feel free to ask me questions.
Hey Qarz, it's me Ken I've known you since the times when you used to hang out with PL and you know me too since then. I will not judge you from your past because what's done is done. However, there are some things that are not giving me good vibes from you.

1) Your loyalty.
2) Trust issues. You got kicked from MK due to revealing your account to your friend. This is a very unprofessioanl act done by someone who has been playing this game from many years and is a known identity in this game. How can assure you us that the same thing that you've done will not happen again and you will not leak things?
3) Suppose in the clan, members are rejecting your opinions and you will left out so what will you do leave the clan or try to talk to sort the things out?
« Last Edit: October 21, 2024, 03:49:06 PM by Kenny »


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Hey Ken,
 1) Loyality: I've stayed in SS and u1 until closed, got kick from MK for the reason i mentioned avove, DU, i had to leave because i was totally alone there.

2) About the account reveal, it was a clan war, the clan war was about to start, clan mates were calling me again and again and on that time i was playing from cafe because my pc had some issues, i asked my clan mate Danish who was also in the MK with me we both were gonna play from cafe, i asked him to login from another pc with my nick so my mates can stop calling me for a minute because i was on the way, danish logged in then again someone noticed i am afk, they called me again i said i am just on my way i'll be ingame in a minute, they said then who is using your account, due to this issue, Danish was demoted and i was kicked. And to be honest it was really 6/7 years ago, you can't expect someone to stay same all the time, everyone have moved on.

3) DU case is totally different, the management activity was 0, only 2 members were active i am not going to name them but they never supported any of my idea, i believe RT doesn't need any ideas it's strong and powerful clan already in some good hands. And no, i have no plans to leave, this is going to be my last clan as a family.

Claude Speed

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Hello QarZ, I have 1 question to ask
Why you lost interest in VU after last denied application? Why you didn't apply again?
If the reason too personal or something, you can answer it in my DM, or you can tell it here if you want.


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I would like to reply you in the public my friend,
I didn't applied in VU again because there reasons were clear for me, they denied my application because i had connections with other larkana friends like Zee, Fulton, Danish and many more, they recently kicked Febulous for the leaks so they thought same about me, i respect their decision because clan safety comes first but not everyone is same. Maybe my place was not in VU.


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Hello Qarzi, I hope you find this message in great health.

Thank you for showing your interest in RT. The voting on your application was pretty confusing among the members so we had to conclude based on majority votes. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to the following reasons:
  • You are friends with Zeex and Domek but you are a little less interactive with other RT members.
  • You were in some issues when you were kicked from MK.
  • You have been seen getting to toxic behavior sometimes.

But there is always room for improvement, and speaking of the truth, you are improving a lot, and I respect that. For now, it is best to give some more time for you to reassure your trust towards the clan and keep on improving as this will not only help ingame but also in your real life. I

I would suggest you work on yourself, as of now, build a bond by interacting with more RTs and gain their trust, and apply whenever feel ready. We believe you will achieve that. I personally believe you are a great guy and whichever clan would get you would be happy to have you in but for now it's a No.

Feel free to re-apply after a month or whenever you feel you are ready. Best of luck with your future mate.



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