Nickname: [SYN]ZehaR* ,[syn]Shikway. ,Trogan
Previous nickname(s): [KF]SkullBasteR*, =F4=AimGod(X), PARIZAAD , ISI.Charsi , Fearlesswarriorsniper etc
Country: Pakistan (PAK/PK)
Timezone: GTM +5
Introduce yourself: I'm an old VCMP player, i joined VCMP in 2018/2019
Do you have any ban history? Well, yes I was Banned 2 times for 30 days in Gboyz's server for death evade 2 years ago.
Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them): Yes, I recently left KF becz the members of KF are very toxic and they abusive their own clan members to.
Reasons for joining RT: Well, as I told you before I left KF for toxicity and I think this clan is a peaceful clan with friendly member
IRC/Discord:skull#4982 (discord)
Are you interested in clan wars? Yep!
Additional info: Wassup!!