The Resurgence

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teatime · 13 · 5211


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Nickname: TrapHole - teatime
Previous nickname(s): Tiburoncin - Nimitz
Age: 20 Years old
Country: Argentina
Timezone: UTC - 3
Introduce yourself: Hello, my name is Gonzalo. I am 20 years old, I live in Argentina and I am from Buenos Aires, I am very well known within the game since I have a somewhat toxic history with situations that have occurred almost 8 years ago, in which I was dedicated to evading bans to be able to play in the community since i received a permanent, global ban from vcmp for the creation and use of several cheats and sharing them with others, it is something that happened  too many years ago and I did it when I was a child, I wanted to be the best in the game for doing it, at that time for me performing those types of actions made me believe that it was cool, until I understood that playing fair is the best there is since I can play like I do today without being afraid of a ban or without having to play nervous in case they discover me using some type of advantage, since I play normal and fair like the other players, currently I did not receive a ban like I had before and if they have banned me from somewhere it would have been ban for close range rpg nothing more than that.
Do you have any ban history? Yes
Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them):  I was a member of several irreverent clans since I have been playing for 10 years but some of them were RK or CF which closed in 2015 2016 I think if I remember correctly and then I was a member of the ON clan but I left since I wanted to change my attitudes and be In a clan like ON it didn't help me
Reasons for joining RT: As an experienced GTA Vice City Multiplayer player, I am looking for a clan that offers me new challenges and allows me to test my skills. The RT clan seems to be the perfect place to find passionate players like me, with whom I can collaborate on difficult missions and compete in challenging events. I am sure that my experience and dedication will be a valuable contribution to the clan
IRC/Discord: elchalo94
Are you interested in clan wars? Yes
Additional info: Although my last application was denied, it was not a problem for me nor an excuse to continue trying to be one of you, what I have done during this and past month is to improve in every way. Now I play peacefully without attacking anyone or annoying, I am just ignoring or going on the opposite side of where the problems are, I have also approached several members of the clan and I have played with them as well as dueling and it made me feel very comfortable, it made me notice in my mind that it is the place where I feel good, where I want to be, I know that perhaps you have your doubts about me or if I am really going to feel comfortable playing with you or things like that, but I can assure you that when playing with some of you I I felt comfortable and I liked it, it made me want to strive to become an RT warrior.
I have also been trying to improve my English a little, it is something that is difficult for me but I am slowly learning, :).

Claude Speed

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Thanks for showing interests toward RT, your application is under discussion, please wait until we have a result or asking questions.


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Hello TrapHole, Happy to see you applying once again.

Firstly, You said that you lost interest in SS because that you felt like that they don't want you after your second denial, Now my question is say that we deny you this time again, Would you be like "Oh these guys denied me again so I must find another clan" or Would you keep trying to hold your interest towards us till you eventually get in?

Secondly, What if you didn't manage to adapt with the fact that no one in our clan is Latino? What would be your potential step in this situation?


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Hello TrapHole, Happy to see you applying once again.

Firstly, You said that you lost interest in SS because that you felt like that they don't want you after your second denial, Now my question is say that we deny you this time again, Would you be like "Oh these guys denied me again so I must find another clan" or Would you keep trying to hold your interest towards us till you eventually get in?

Secondly, What if you didn't manage to adapt with the fact that no one in our clan is Latino? What would be your potential step in this situation?

Ok, first of all, I felt that they didn't want me in SS for things I did 8 years ago, and although I noticed it the first time, I tried to apply for the second time to see if they would give me a chance, but I saw that they continued judging me for the same thing, because it was for the only reason that they did not accept me (using hacks 8 years ago) and I did not invent this, Niko one of the leaders of SS told me, he told me that SS was not a clan in which they were going to accept me and that discouraged me, I felt that that was not my place and that I was not going to insist on a place where they judge me for my past and even more so when it was not something recent, well having said that I wanted to clarify by answering your question In this clan I feel like if they gave me a chance at some point. That you will not judge me for things from many years ago, also in the way I play and communicate with each of you makes me feel comfortable and happy, I like how you play as a team and are respectful, complying with each regulation of the servers in those who play, I also like how friendly they are to me, Just to give an example, the other day they were practicing on the clan's closed RTV server and I started to help Zeex and Hazard by making or practicing some RPG plays, and when Zeex left he thanked me for the help and that It was something that filled me with joy because I realized that he noticed my desire to help you compete. Maybe I didn't play for you but I did my bit to help you in something. Also when I see you in Asian City I help you. Whenever they get shot if they are not in a duel I start helping them and similar things that I like since most of the members make me feel comfortable. and more than anything, those things are what make me not lose interest in being one more of RT, so you can rest assured because for all the treatment that most of the members, if not all, give me, I plan to stay and continue insisting until I become one of you, always respecting and improving in every aspect that you recommend to me.

Well, maybe they are not Latin and we have many differences, both in language and in things of everyday life, you are right, but I speak English and I understand and I can express myself, maybe not in the best way, but I can make myself understood and understand what they say to me. I know almost all the RTs and I have chatted with all of them from time to time, I have also played alongside you, and I feel very comfortable so I won't have any kind of problem with that part, if I haven't explained well, you can ask me again what you would like to know and I will answer it, thank you for paying attention to my application, greetings lyxe


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Fair enough, thank you for answering my questions!

Claude Speed

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Hey traphole, I've got question for you
In the past you got kicked from u1, the reason wasn't mentioned, can you tell me the reason of your kick from that clan? You can answer it in my DM in discord if it's private and don't want to mention it in public, or you can answer it here if you want

Also, can you mention the servers you got banned from before and the reasons?


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Hey traphole, I've got question for you
In the past you got kicked from u1, the reason wasn't mentioned, can you tell me the reason of your kick from that clan? You can answer it in my DM in discord if it's private and don't want to mention it in public, or you can answer it here if you want

Also, can you mention the servers you got banned from before and the reasons?
from u1 I was never kicked, let me explain it to you as briefly as possible, in u1 I got along well with everyone until one day in the WhatsApp group we had , which included me Kripton Lederhos and mikimon, lederhos said some bad things about me which didn't seem fair, so I decided to leave the whatsapp group, so the next day Lederhos just said I got kicked when in reality I just left because of how bad they treated me

Claude about the vcmp bans, I'll be honest with you, I was only banned on the Lw server for using aimbot. After that, the community (admins) banned me from all the servers because back then community ban used to be a thing, nowadays I guess it's not, but I promised to change and had no cheating incidents after that

Claude Speed

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Hey traphole, I've got question for you
In the past you got kicked from u1, the reason wasn't mentioned, can you tell me the reason of your kick from that clan? You can answer it in my DM in discord if it's private and don't want to mention it in public, or you can answer it here if you want

Also, can you mention the servers you got banned from before and the reasons?
from u1 I was never kicked, let me explain it to you as briefly as possible, in u1 I got along well with everyone until one day in the WhatsApp group we had , which included me Kripton Lederhos and mikimon, lederhos said some bad things about me which didn't seem fair, so I decided to leave the whatsapp group, so the next day Lederhos just said I got kicked when in reality I just left because of how bad they treated me

Claude about the vcmp bans, I'll be honest with you, I was only banned on the Lw server for using aimbot. After that, the community (admins) banned me from all the servers because back then community ban used to be a thing, nowadays I guess it's not, but I promised to change and had no cheating incidents after that
Thanks for answering the questions I can give you
an advices while the application being handled, try to not be toxic or get rage with people even who abusing you, you can use /ignore cmd, don't abuse dead people like stylish, I know you might having problems with him but he is already died, there is no point of abusing him even when he dead, and last thing is try to be active and play with the clan members.

1 last question

Are you currently banned in LW or any servers for that aimlock? Or the administrators unbanned you?
« Last Edit: December 19, 2024, 12:40:58 PM by Claude Speed »


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Hey traphole, I've got question for you
In the past you got kicked from u1, the reason wasn't mentioned, can you tell me the reason of your kick from that clan? You can answer it in my DM in discord if it's private and don't want to mention it in public, or you can answer it here if you want

Also, can you mention the servers you got banned from before and the reasons?
from u1 I was never kicked, let me explain it to you as briefly as possible, in u1 I got along well with everyone until one day in the WhatsApp group we had , which included me Kripton Lederhos and mikimon, lederhos said some bad things about me which didn't seem fair, so I decided to leave the whatsapp group, so the next day Lederhos just said I got kicked when in reality I just left because of how bad they treated me

Claude about the vcmp bans, I'll be honest with you, I was only banned on the Lw server for using aimbot. After that, the community (admins) banned me from all the servers because back then community ban used to be a thing, nowadays I guess it's not, but I promised to change and had no cheating incidents after that
Thanks for answering the questions I can give you
an advices while the application being handled, try to not be toxic or get rage with people even who abusing you, you can use /ignore cmd, don't abuse dead people like stylish, I know you might having problems with him but he is already died, there is no point of abusing him even when he dead, and last thing is try to be active and play with the clan members.

1 last question

Are you currently banned in LW or any servers for that aimlock? Or the administrators unbanned you?
About controlling myself and that since I decided to want to join RT I understood that I would have to leave bad attitudes aside so don't worry about that, thank you very much for your advice, and the rest, yes I am unbanned from LW because the administration a day they sent me a private message telling me that they wanted to give me a chance and that's how they unbanned me, and after that I don't have any bans on the other servers

Claude Speed

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Well said, stay patient for the result or a question(s) from other members.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2024, 03:42:57 PM by Claude Speed »


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Playing was fun 8 years ago. Good luck for your application.


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Playing was fun 8 years ago. Good luck for your application.

hello hari, I share your comment 2018 was one of the glory years of vcmp 😩


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Welcome to the family!

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