The Resurgence

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Topics - JackSpond

Pages: 1
Rejected Applications / Application-JackSpond
« on: November 22, 2020, 07:34:14 AM »
Nickname: JackSpond^
Previous nickname(s): =TLKr=JackSpond, TLKr.domnick, Zlh.
Age: 17
Country: Pakistan
Timezone: GMT+5
Introduce yourself: I started to play this game since 2016, with my cafe friends then i left vcmp for 2 years but now i decided back into vcmp  ;D
Do you have any ban history? Nope
Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them):  ULK is dead almost member are inactive and I always play alone.
Reasons for joining RT: I want to join this clan Because i am watching for Good And Skilled Clan.  This clan seems like a great opportunity to increase my skills and to meet new people and new personalities. My friend is in this clan & I like the clan. I believe you should accept me
IRC/Discord: JackSpond#9939
Are you interested in clan wars? yeah why not
Additional info: my english is week but i swear i will be improve myself btw, Alhamdulillah For Everything

Pages: 1
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