The Resurgence

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Topics - Shaquille

Pages: 1
Accepted Applications / My petition towards Resurgence
« on: April 06, 2022, 03:47:37 PM »
Nickname: Shaquille.
Previous nickname(s):  -
Age: 21.
Country: Pakistan.
Timezone: GMT 5.
Introduce yourself: Hi there, I stated my name above. I've been playing vc-mp since May 2020. I judged the game first and started polishing my deathmatch skills. I played DM'ing servers for improving my skills. I was able to play good in short tenure. After that, I started playing Attack-Defence servers for interesting gameplays.
Do you have any ban history? Nah.
Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them): -
Reasons for joining RT: Since I started playing vc-mp, I've been looking the clan system is pretty common here and so that I decided to improve my skills first before going for any clan. I have seen many clans but I only found RT as an improving clan and liked the aggression of the clan and its member. I see this clan takes part in tournaments and also organize clan wars (which I like the most). Pleasure to be a part of it.
IRC/Discord: Shaquille #2498
Are you interested in clan wars? Yes, very much.
Additional info: Synthwave invited me, thanks to him.

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