The Resurgence

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Topics - Clarke.

Pages: 1
Rejected Applications / Application - Clarke
« on: April 19, 2022, 10:17:48 PM »
Nickname: Marnus
Previous nickname(s): Clarke. , DeCryZ. , Cricket_lover and few others
Country: Pakistan
Timezone: gmt+5
Introduce yourself: Hello/salam , i'm clarke and playing vcmp from 2018, and most of VCMP players knows me very well.
Do you have any ban history? yes
Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them):RK:- Inactive ,
U1:h Kicked ,
FF = For opening my own clan ,
SG= Inactive
Reasons for joining RT: After getting kicked from U1 i was hella depressed and later my close friends Waleed and ZeeX suggested me to apply for RT and i also had interest to become a part of RT. Most of RT members are my friends here and i want to contribute much as a possible for the clan.
Are you interested in clan wars? Why not
Additional info:  You all are welcomed to ask me questions for clearing the confusion.

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