The Resurgence

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Topics - D4rKGh05t

Pages: 1
Off Topic / LelZOR**
« on: April 13, 2022, 05:43:27 AM »
Happy - Birthday - Lelzor - Bhai*

Off Topic / Captrix/Virus
« on: March 30, 2022, 06:16:32 AM »
Happy birthday Captrix bhai.

Off Topic / Sevrin**
« on: March 12, 2022, 08:53:48 PM »
H a p p y - B i r t h - D a y - S e v r i n - B h a i*

Off Topic / Ken-Bhaiya*
« on: February 22, 2022, 08:16:17 AM »
H a p p y - B i r t h - D a y - Ken Bhai :)

Off Topic / ShadowJack
« on: February 16, 2022, 06:36:08 PM »
H a p p y - B i r t h - D a y - Shadow bhai

Off Topic / Happy birthday Zeex.
« on: February 02, 2022, 10:09:23 AM »
H a P P Y - B i R T H - D a Y - B h a i 💖

Off Topic / Happy New Year 2022
« on: December 31, 2021, 07:12:00 PM »
Happy New Year Guys 🥰🥰🥰

Accepted Applications / Clan Application - DarKGh0sT[46]
« on: October 08, 2021, 07:13:55 PM »
Nickname: DarKGh0sT[46]
Previous nickname(s): UFt.DarKGh0sT , CFr.DarKGh0sT , D4rKGh05t[46] , GM46^
Age: 20
Country: PakisTaN
Timezone: GMT+5
Introduce yourself: Hey there i started vcmp in 2015 from cafe then after some time i bought my own pc and started playing from my home well i am mostly active in LW l EC but i can play with you anywhere.
Do you have any ban history?  i was banned in LW once for speed hacks i accept that i did a big mistake and still i am feeling shame for that.
Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them): UF :- kicked because i was banned in LW for speed hacks also i explained it,

CF :- Closed.
Reasons for joining RT:  Okay, first of all i want to say RT is well going clan in vcmp nowadays second thing actually i want to stay in any familiar clan and nost of RT's knows that its my wish to join RT and i will try hard to help you and will never disappoint any of you.
IRC/Discord: Discord :- DarKGh0sT#0049
IRC:- -
Are you interested in clan wars? Always ready sir.
Additional info:  it is my 3rd application for this clan , i have worked alot on my attiude and skills, my english is not much good i am working on it too , nowadays i hang with some RT members too.

First application's link here ,
Second application's link here,

in extra i want to share something to you guys because i dont want to hurt anyone, i applied for mk some months ago before my first application in RT , i got so many negative votes their due to reason cafe. but most of you know that i am not a cafer anymore i have my own pc i can show you logs if you buddies want.
I tried to clear that in MK's application too but they did not trusted me so it is useless to stay their where no one trust me.

Thanks for the attention!

Rejected Applications / Clan Application - DarkGh0sT[46]
« on: September 03, 2021, 03:30:38 PM »
Nickname: DarKGh0sT[46]
Previous nickname(s): UFt.DarKGh0sT , CFr.DarKGh0sT , D4rKGh05t[46] , GM46^
Age: 19
Country: PakisTaN
Timezone: GMT+5
Introduce yourself: Hey there i started vcmp in 2015 from cafe then after some time i bought my own pc and started playing from my home well i am mostly active in LW l EC but i can play with you anywhere.
Do you have any ban history?  i was banned in LW once for speed hacks i accept that i did a big mistake and still i am feeling shame for that.
Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them): UF :- kicked because i was banned in LW for speed hacks also i explained it,

CF :- Closed.
Reasons for joining RT:  Okay, first of all i want to say RT is well going clan in vcmp nowadays second thing actually i want to stay in any familiar clan and nost of RT's knows that its my wish to join RT and i will try hard to help you and will never disappoint any of you.
IRC/Discord: Discord :- DarKGh0sT#3421
IRC:- D4rKGh05t
Are you interested in clan wars? Always ready sir.
Additional info:  it is my second application for this clan , i have worked alot on my attiude and skills, my english is not much good i am working on it too , i tried alot to hang out with you guys but i play late night due to work at shop.

First application's link here ,

in extra i want to share something to you guys because i dont want to hurt anyone, i applied for mk some months ago before my first application in RT , i got so many negative votes their due to reason cafe. but most of you know that i am not a cafer anymore i have my own pc i can show you logs if you buddies want.
I tried to clear that in MK's application too but they did not trusted me so it is useless to stay their where no one trust me.

Thanks for the attention!

Off Topic / Happy BirthDay ZeeX bhai.
« on: February 02, 2021, 05:05:48 PM »
Happy BirthDay bhai.  ;)

Rejected Applications / Application - DarKGh0sT[46]
« on: January 10, 2021, 07:18:37 AM »
Nickname: DarKGh0sT[46]
Previous nickname(s): UFt.DarKGh0sT , CFr.DarKGh0sT , D4rKGh05t[46]
Age: 19
Country: PakisTaN
Timezone: GMT+5
Introduce yourself: Hey there i started vcmp in 2015 from cafe then after some time i bought my own pc and started playing from my home well i am mostly active in LW l EC but i can play with you anywhere.
Do you have any ban history?  i was banned in LW once for speed hacks i accept that i did a big mistake and still i am feeling shame for that.
Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them): UF :- kicked because i was banned in LW for speed hacks also i explained it,

CF :- Closed.
Reasons for joining RT:  Okay, first of all i want to say RT is well going clan in vcmp nowadays second thing actually i want to stay in any familiar clan and nost of RT's knows that its my wish to join RT and i will try hard to help you and will never disappoint any of you.
IRC/Discord: Discord :- DarKGh0sT#3421
                         IRC:- D4rKGh05t
Are you interested in clan wars? Always ready sir.
Additional info:  nothing to say more but i really hope i will get a chance once to prove my self.

Pages: 1
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