The Resurgence

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Topics - Sevrin

Pages: 1
News and Announcements / Umar^
« on: July 29, 2024, 09:52:46 AM »
Let's give a warm welcome to our newest soldier!!
Wear the tag with proud and enjoy your time here.

News and Announcements / HNY 2021!
« on: December 31, 2020, 07:03:09 PM »
2020 was full of ups and downs all around the world. It was one of the toughest years, humanity has faced. The whole world shattered with different type of disasters.
Condolences to those, who lost someone in this year.

We all know how the global pandemic affected us, our lives, millions got jobless, many died from the disease and many suffered a lot(financially especially), but kudos to those who stood up and helped others, may you have even more than that, God bless you all for such help.

The thing which I learnt from this year is, "Do not mess with the nature". We all know, we have been damaging Earth in many ways, and it's causing different effects globally. This year showed us many things which we never knew, and now at least, we can try to avoid such things and make this world a better place, where we promote positivity and happiness, rather than negativity and toxicity.

For VCMP, it was quite a strange year. After VW, the playercount decreased overall and many lost interest. The competition was really low, and after a huge clan(SS) got closed, it was really sad and damaging for the community, for the competition. But everything happens for a reason, it gave the community 2 new clans and then small clans inspired good player to open their own clans or join small clans to grow. All in all, it was good which actually now has set a new era for VC:MP, which we hope will turn out good.

As for RT, it was really a beautiful year, when I opened the clan, I never knew we would grow with such a beautiful pace and with good quality members. We participated in events, gave it our best shot and had hell of a time. We played two CWs, giving out our best, which helped the competition in community. It inspired others to open clans and grow them so that the community doesn't die. Thanks a lot to every member of RT, for believing in me, in clan, I honestly love y'all for being part of this clan.

May you all have a blessed, happy and beautiful year ahead, stay indoors, party hard and enjoy!!


Off Topic / Read before posting
« on: January 15, 2020, 11:36:32 AM »
You can post any kinda off topic here. It can include general debate on a certain topic, could be about sports or other games. Make sure you do not flame anyone, just be cool.

Screenshots/Videos / Read before posting
« on: January 15, 2020, 11:33:50 AM »
You can add any sort of media related to game-mode, you can post Music videos as well.

Before posting, make sure you don't post any content which includes:
  • Nudity or pornography.
  • Any real life photo of players.
Breaking any of these rules will result in a direct permanent ban.

Clan Wars / [FORMAT]Read before posting
« on: January 15, 2020, 11:13:08 AM »
If you would to challenge us for a clan war in any server, make a new thread in this board using the format given below.

Code: [Select]
Your Team/Clan Name:
Clan Tag:
Clan Members:
Server Name/IP:

Report Members / [FORMAT]Read before posting
« on: January 15, 2020, 10:11:14 AM »
If you found any of the RT members breaking any rules or causing some serious, report them here by making a topic in this board using the correct format given below.

Code: [Select]
Member Nickname:
Your nickname:
Reason for Reporting:
Additional info:

Clan Information / The Resurgence Information
« on: January 14, 2020, 04:50:51 PM »

"The Resurgence" is a clan of VC:MP founded by Sevrin on 6th of January, 2020.

The clan's motto is to bring some tough and strong competition in VC:MP for other clans by having skillful, experienced and tactical players who can bring the best teamwork on the field.

Clan's purpose is also to help the game-mode stay alive by contributing in different events and bring some good activity in different servers.

The Resurgence accepts players only who can stay loyal to the clan, have enough skills to understand the mechanics of game, can speak English which is understandable and are really interested in joining RT.

News and Announcements / The Resurgence History
« on: January 14, 2020, 02:04:02 PM »

Here you will find the history and changes in the clan.

  • 6th of January, 2020: "The Resurgence" clan founded by Sevrin officially starts its journey in VC:MP.
  • 7th of January, 2020: MaSoN joined as the first member of the clan. Anarki/Midnight joins as the second member of the clan.
  • 10th of January, 2020: UrbanY joined the clan.
  • 11th of January, 2020: T3ss joined the clan.
  • 13th of January, 2020: RT announced 3 new ranks for the clan:

    1. Commander (Holds full power on the clan, founder is the de facto chief)
    2. Lieutenant (Handles the applicants, can lead the clan in clan wars or events, can do necessary changes to the clan in absence of Chief)
    3. Soldier (Soldiers are the members of the clan who are the actual force who wipes out the enemies on the field in lead of Lieutenant or Chief.)
  • 13th of January, 2020: MaSoN^ got promoted to Lieutenant rank.
  • 14th of January, 2020: Maddy joined the clan.
  • 1st of February, 2020: Anarki/Midnight left the clan.
  • 5th of April, 2020: Maddy left the clan.
  • 8th of April, 2020: IcyFuzion joined the clan.
  • 13th of April, 2020: ShadowJacK. joined the clan.
  • 21th of April, 2020: Martyrdom joined the clan.
  • 2nd of May, 2020: 66Sick joined the clan.
  • 3rd of May, 2020: Mr.Catcher/Franklyn joined the clan.
  • 31st of May, 2020: The Resurgence had lost its first clan-war against Vice Underdogs clan in RTV Server, with a
     score of 4 - 2 to VU. Congratulations VU and very well played RT folks!!
  • 6th of June, 2020: Ken joined the clan.
  • 20th of July, 2020: Martyrdom promoted to the Lieutenant rank.
  • 25th of September, 2020: MasterOz joined the clan.
  • 25th of November, 2020: ZeeX. and Lilz0r joined the clan.
  • 20th of December, 2020: The Resurgence had lost its second clan-war against Miami Killers clan in CTF Server, with a score of 3 - 1 to MK.
  • 6th of January, 2021: The Resurgence's first anniversary!
  • 22nd of May, 2021: Captrix joined the clan.
  • 12th of June, 2021: The Resurgence ends up at 3rd place in the EAD League 2021.
  • 15th of June, 2021: MasterOz has left the clan.
  • 11th of September, 2021: MaSoN^ and Martyrdom promoted to the Commander rank and ZeeX. promoted to the Lieutenant rank.
  • 13th of October, 2021: D4rkgh0st^ joined the clan.
  • 2nd of November 2021: Mad Resurrection a team which consisted of the following members: (Sevrin, Mason, Martyrdom, ZeeX, 66Sick, Ken and Lilz0r) and accompanied by [MD]Hazard, [MD]LumberJacK and TLA.MasterOz were crowned as champions of the first ever RTV IV championship defeating Vice Underdogs with a score of 6-2.
  • 6th of January, 2022: The Resurgence's second anniversary!
  • 11th of February, 2022: TheRising/Waleed has joined the clan.
  • 11th of February, 2022: Martyrdom has left the clan.
  • 12th of March, 2022: The Resurgence defeats the Ultimate Insurrectionists with a score of 6 - 2 in RTV
  • 26th of March, 2022: Hazard has joined the clan.
  • 15th of April, 2022: Shaquille joined the clan.
  • 10th of May, 2022: DestroyeR^ has joined the clan.
  • 5th of January, 2023: The Resurgence's third anniversary!
  • 16th of January, 2023: Urbany has been kicked out from the clan due to usage of third-party tools.
  • 4th of February, 2023: CYBORG/Anzal has joined the clan.
  • 10th of February, 2023: ZeKKeN has joined the clan.
  • 2nd of March, 2023: HarI has joined the clan.
  • 7th of March, 2023: Sheri. has joined the clan.
  • 7th of June, 2023: UrbanY has joined the clan.
  • 21st of July, 2023: The Resurgence defeats The Last Alliance with a score of 6 - 2 in RTV
  • 9th of October, 2023: Sheri/Lamp has been kicked out from the clan due to not wearing the clan tag, ignoring fellow members, and being disconnected from us.
  • 13th of November, 2023: StrikeX/DemonSlayer has joined the clan.
  • 29th of November, 2023: Anzal and Archon/StrikeX have been kicked out from the clan due to usage of aurora and modified wep.dat files.
  • 1st of January, 2024: RT dominated the year-end awards on RTV server, sweeping categories like Best Clan, Best Robber, Best Strategist, Best Team Player, Best Camper, Best RPG, and Most Friendliest, all claimed by [RT]ZeeX. Best Defender spot is claimed by [RT]66Sick The Mad Resurrections (RT team) won Best Team in RTV Champ'21, with the Best Match being RT vs TLA. [RT]ZeeX also stood out as the Best Staff Member and [RT]Bloodedge as the Most Strictest staff.
  • 6th of January, 2024: The Resurgence's fourth anniversary!
  • 10th of January, 2024: Urbany has been kicked again from the clan for his retardish behavior to his leaders and everyone.
  • 24th of January, 2024: Vatan has joined the clan.
  • 24th of March, 2024: Nashai joined the clan.
  • 6th of April, 2024: Adam/Claude joined the clan.
  • 13th of April, 2024: Blazy joined the clan.
  • 15th of June, 2024: ZeeX has won the finals of second addition of RTV championship'24 as a captain.
  • 2nd of July, 2024: Hazard has left the clan.
  • 29th of July, 2024: UmaR^ joined the clan.
  • 19th of August, 2024: Shaquille left the clan.
  • 28th of September, 2024: Domek joined the clan.
  • 27th of October, 2024: SherLock joined the clan.
  • 4th of November, 2024: LyXe. joined the clan.
  • 1st of December, 2024: RT performed exceptionally well in their debut CTB tournament, dominating the group stage and semi-finals by defeating VU, RZ, and MK. However, they fell short in the finals against SS, with a 5-1 score.

Clan Information / The Resurgence Roster
« on: January 14, 2020, 01:13:42 PM »


  • Sevrin 
  • MaSoN^ 

  • ZeeX 


  • T3ss 
  • IcyFuzion 
  • ShadowJacK. 
  • 66Sick 
  • Franklyn/Mr.Catcher 
  • Ken 
  • Lilz0r 
  • BrightLight 
  • CapTriX 
  • DarkGhost 
  • TheRising/Waleed 
  • DestroyeR^ 
  • ZeKKeN 
  • HarI. 
  • Vatan. 
  • Nashai 
  • Adam/Claude 
  • Blazy. 
  • UmaR^ 
  • Domek 
  • SherLock 
  • LyXe. 

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