The Resurgence

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Messages - QarZi

Pages: 1
Applications / Re: Application QarZi
« on: October 21, 2024, 07:42:15 PM »
I would like to reply you in the public my friend,
I didn't applied in VU again because there reasons were clear for me, they denied my application because i had connections with other larkana friends like Zee, Fulton, Danish and many more, they recently kicked Febulous for the leaks so they thought same about me, i respect their decision because clan safety comes first but not everyone is same. Maybe my place was not in VU.

Applications / Re: Application QarZi
« on: October 21, 2024, 04:17:11 PM »
Hey Ken,
 1) Loyality: I've stayed in SS and u1 until closed, got kick from MK for the reason i mentioned avove, DU, i had to leave because i was totally alone there.

2) About the account reveal, it was a clan war, the clan war was about to start, clan mates were calling me again and again and on that time i was playing from cafe because my pc had some issues, i asked my clan mate Danish who was also in the MK with me we both were gonna play from cafe, i asked him to login from another pc with my nick so my mates can stop calling me for a minute because i was on the way, danish logged in then again someone noticed i am afk, they called me again i said i am just on my way i'll be ingame in a minute, they said then who is using your account, due to this issue, Danish was demoted and i was kicked. And to be honest it was really 6/7 years ago, you can't expect someone to stay same all the time, everyone have moved on.

3) DU case is totally different, the management activity was 0, only 2 members were active i am not going to name them but they never supported any of my idea, i believe RT doesn't need any ideas it's strong and powerful clan already in some good hands. And no, i have no plans to leave, this is going to be my last clan as a family.

Applications / Application QarZi
« on: October 21, 2024, 03:12:41 PM »
Nickname: QarZi
Previous nickname(s):  Heartless, QarZ.
Age: 25
Country: Pakistan
Timezone: GMT +5
Introduce yourself:Hello dear RT members, it's me, QarZ. I have been playing VCMP since 2011/12. It's been a long journey, and it's still going strong.
Do you have any ban history? I don't think
Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them): Yes, UF, MK, DU, SS and u1.

UF : i left UF due to mis-management no co-operation and whenever i try to motivate them up they always went it down.

MK : MK experience was really bad, got kicked due to my mistake by revealing my account to another person in a league match in 2018.

SS: I really had an amazing journey there i learnt alot from the seniors there but thr clan closed.

DU : After the closing of SS clan, i chose DU instead of other big clans, i left the clan because no one was supporting my any talks, and i literally felt i am not counted as a member there, i tried my best to make DU active but i failed, i still apologize to them if they are hurt by my that action.

U1 : Closed.

Reasons for joining RT: There are a few reasons I want to join RT. First, I have close friends here, like ZeeX and Domek, with whom I’ve spent a lot of my VCMP time. I trust them, and they trust me. I would love to spend my time in RT and support the clan in every way possible.

IRC/Discord: qarzi

Are you interested in clan wars? Why not.

Additional info: Feel free to ask me questions.

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