The Resurgence

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Messages - SherLock

Pages: 1
Rejected Applications / Re: Clan Application final - SherLock
« on: August 29, 2024, 01:50:42 PM »
Okay, thanks for that. However, I changed my opinion, and will try my best to come back again, when I feel much confident. Hopefully, I will be accepted then..

Rejected Applications / Re: Clan Application final - SherLock
« on: August 28, 2024, 03:49:30 PM »
First of all, thank you for replying me about this topic. To be honest, its very hard to prove that how to express my loyalty to this team. But if I am given a chance to join this team, I will definitely prove my loyalty towards the clan. I just want a permanent clan where I can be a part. Also, some members of this clan don't know me, I can't deny that. However, if I could meet them, I would definitely try to win their hearts. But unfortunately, since I haven't found many of them active, it was very hard to meet with them. Again, there is a little bit mistake in my remark, It wasn't half month, it was half year. I mistakenly wrote it in hurry.

Rejected Applications / Re: Clan Application final - SherLock
« on: August 28, 2024, 12:37:01 PM »
Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them): Yes, but in present time, these clans doesn't exists.
Kindly mention your previous clans whether they exist or not in present times.

7K and ZK
Reason for leaving your previous clans?

Closed due to inactivity and Immature players. Also, I left them half month ago

Rejected Applications / Re: Clan Application final - SherLock
« on: August 28, 2024, 12:35:53 PM »
its my third and final application for joining to the clan. Besides, in my previous applications where I tried to proof that I can be an eligible member for this team,

What does it means that it's your final application so you're saying that if you gets denied this time so you wouldn't be applying again? explain it

No, I won't, Because I tried hard to explain myself from first to last, and from the first app I showed my respect and dignity towards the clan. So, if I got denied, its hardly possible for me to re-apply in the clan.. 

Rejected Applications / Re: Clan Application final - SherLock
« on: August 28, 2024, 12:30:39 PM »
Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them): Yes, but in present time, these clans doesn't exists.
Kindly mention your previous clans whether they exist or not in present times.

7K and ZK

Rejected Applications / Clan Application final - SherLock
« on: August 28, 2024, 09:19:35 AM »
Nickname: SherLock

Previous nickname(s): FaLCoN

Age: 17

Country: Bangladesh

Timezone: (GMT+6)

Introduce yourself:  Greetings, everyone. It's me again SherLock aka FaLCoN and also its my third and final application for joining to the clan. Besides, in my previous applications where I tried to proof that I can be an eligible member for this team, and also hardly tried to explain about me,, well, again imma introducing myself,
My real name is Promit and I am playing vcmp from 2020. But recently I started playing in Asain City. When I was new, I started my journey in Gboyz, after playing there for a year, I joined LW server, and played there for long times, after all these, I joined VCCnR server, and now I mostly play in Asian city and VCCnR. Lastly, I hope some of the resurgence member might have know me, cuz I tried very hard to meet many of them. Also, kindly check out my previous apps for more details.
First app:
Second app:

Do you have any ban history? No long history but I got 2 days ban from AC for advertisement, which was a month ago.

Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them): Yes, but in present time, these clans doesn't exists.

Reasons for joining RT: Well behaved member, Well known Clan, Strong team, included in the top ranks of vcmp clans.

IRC/Discord: Discord: holmes_here

Are you interested in clan wars? Yes

Additional info: Its the last application from me for joining to the clan, and if its got denied I wont be feel bad. But, I truly hope that, I can be one of you and can make a respectable contribution to the clan.

Rejected Applications / Clan Application x2 - SherLock
« on: June 15, 2024, 06:33:16 PM »
Nickname: SherLock

Previous nickname(s): [7Kr]SherLock / [7Kr]FaLCoN / [ZKr]FaLCoN / FaLCoN

My very very old nicks: CATFISH...BRO, MR..CATFISH, s[A]vage_CaT.

Age:  17

Country: Bangladesh

Timezone: (GMT+6) Saturday, June 15, 2024, 10:38%u202FPM

Introduce yourself: Greetings to everyone, first.  I am SherLock aka FaLCoN and Honestly, its my second application for joining to the clan. In my previous one, I tried to intro myself as long as I can but for this application, I wrote a short Bio of myself >>>
So, Its have been 4 years of joining to the vcmp community and In these years, I met many players and also in that time, I first started playing at Gboyz server, where I met a RT guy named ShadowJack, and after that I started playing at LW where I met another RT guy named Bloodedge, I played there for  a half month and then Bloodedge became new moderator of LW. Anyway, after this long period, I joined to VCCnR server which is completely against of Deathmatch. Now, I always play at there, and also I became an event staff member of that server recently [ It is a new information about myself]. Again, I had some previous clan named ZK, 7k and That's all about myself shortly. Kindly please check my previous application where I have wrote myself in detailed. [Link:]

Do you have any ban history?: No, But I got ban once in Gboyz server few years ago

Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them): No, I dont have any clan now, But my past clan name is 7K, I left them because of inactivity of members..

Reasons for joining RT: Reason of joining to the clan is very simple, and that is The clan included in the top ranks of vcmp and well known to all players.

IRC/Discord: >>Discord: sherlock_b4u

Are you interested in clan wars?: Obviously, but I got a problem with my pings, and that is All the Dm servers are have High ping and its very difficult for me to fight with others.

Additional info: After the rejection of my past application, I have been waited some days for re-applying again, and also in this time, I met some RT players [prefer not to tell nicks] and I think I became ready to re-apply again, and I wish, If the clan wants I can play in VW X on behalf with this clan. So, Therefore, I pray and hope that the clan members would be kind enough to give me a chance to joining the clan. Thanks again to all for reading this.

Rejected Applications / Clan Application - SherLock
« on: May 23, 2024, 01:54:00 PM »
Nickname: SherLock

Previous nickname(s): [7Kr]SherLock / [7Kr]FaLCoN / [ZKr]FaLCoN / FaLCoN

My very very old nicks: CATFISH...BRO, MR..CATFISH, s[A]vage_CaT.

Age: 17

Country: Bangladesh

Timezone: (GMT+6) Thursday, May 23, 2024, 5:59%u202FPM

Introduce yourself: First of all, Greetings to The Clan Members and The Clan Leaders. I know that many of the guys of this clan will not recognize me but I know many of them truly including [RT]Bloodedge, [RT]ShadowJack and also [RT]ZeeX. Anyway, I am 17 and I live in Bangladesh and again I am an old vc-mp player. 4 years ago I joined vc-mp for playing with real people. But Then I didn't know that how to play normally like other players , so I started doing some rule breaks in different server but after communicating with other players I no longer broke any rules of those servers. Again, I didn't know really that what is clan and how to join them, so one of VU clan member named Alpays taught me that what is clan and how to join them. For that, I went to VU and applied an application 2 years ago. Then, it was Denied cause nobody knows me. But there is maybe a special reason [which I think] that why people do not recognize me. I think the reason is changing my nick over and again. After a year, I joined a clan named ZK but the clan was closed due to some reasons and after some days, I got a new clan named 7K and because of the strong desire of mine I joined to the clan but due to inactivity of clan member and because of not knowing many clan members, I left the clan and chose to join RT clan. Moreover, I played in many servers [ mostly LW, Gboyz server and EC server] of my vc-mp career but now I always play in VCCnR server. And That is all of myself. [[Sorry for big description about mine]].

Do you have any ban history?: Recently No Ban , but I once got a permanent Ban from Gboyz server 4 years ago,,

Were you in any clan? (If yes state the reason you left them): Yes I was a member of a clan named 7K but I left them because the members of the clan are not active and also I rarely see them playing in server... also I didn't meet most of the members on there....

Reasons for joining RT: As far as I know that There are some famed Clan in whole vc-mp and as far as I've seen that RT clan is one of them. So I wish to join the clan and that's the reason of my joining to this clan.

IRC/Discord: Discord: sherlock_b4u

Are you interested in clan wars?: Yes, I honestly interested to join a clan war.

Additional info: Thanks for The Clan leaders for keeping the application channel open and also thanks for wasting your valuable times behind this application.

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